Sunday 23rd July – God’s Glory being Revealed through Prayer and Praise – Deacon Helena Lynch

We look at two occasions in the Book of Acts where God’s Glory is revealed through Prayer and Praise.

Herod hated the Church. He made the Jews happy by killing James, John’s brother. He wanted to do the same thing to Peter, but because of the Passover put him in Prison.
The Church prayed fervently.
God sent forth an Angel to deliver Peter.

Paul and Silas were taken into the Market Place before the Magistrates, had their clothes torn off them, beaten with rods and put in Prison because Paul cast the Spirit of Divination out of the Slave girl who brought her Master’s gain.
Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to God. An earthquake shook the Prison, and everyone’s chains were broken.
The Prison Keeper and family were Spiritually saved.

Join us for our regular 10:30 am Sunday Service.

Key Scriptures
Acts 12:1-19, Acts 16:16-40

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Daily Bible Challenge 2023

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Sunday 23rd July – God’s Glory being Revealed through Prayer and Praise – Deacon Helena Lynch
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