Our Mission Statement
The People’s Christian Fellowship women’s ministry exists to enhance and develop our relationship with God. Unlocking Purpose, Potential and Passion enabling us to impact the wider community with the love of God by being WOMEN of the WORD, WOMEN of WORSHIP, WOMEN of PRAYER and WOMEN of FELLOWSHIP.
PCF Women express their gratitude to the God of heaven with the words of that great hymn: what a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms.
God has been faithful as a ministry. We count it a joy to hear the testimonies from the ladies. How God is strengthening and using them in their walk.
From 2013, the launch of KW, we held phenomenal annual conferences which to date echos throughout the congregation, to discover and use our God given gifts and purpose. It’s great to see faith in action and we are looking forward to seeing how God will be glorified through us all. Our Saturday conferences are held on a regular basis to empower one another in our faith and our daily relationship with our Lord and Saviour. These conferences consist of sharing the Word, testimonies, great fellowship, deliverance and prayer. But most of all, experiencing the move of God as he takes the lead!!
Throughout the year KW meets twice a month on a Thursday. The evenings consist of topics such as health and fitness, sharing skills, testimonies, prayer and bible study, quiz evenings and encouragement.
On behalf of the Kingdom Women, please join us and we look forward to see you soon.
Contact us at kingdom.women@tpcf.org.uk or come and visit at PCF.
One of our Sisters has written a poem around our mission statement. Why not have a read!
It is time for the women to take up their position,
And here’s the Mission Statement simply stating the Mission!
In the People’s Christian Fellowship Women’s ministry,
There are certain things that we are working to see,
So this is somewhat of a decree,
Declaring what this Ministry exists to do and be:
To enhance and develop our relationship with God,
Unlocking the purpose we’re called to be fulfilling,
As well as the potential we’ve all been given
And that passion by which we ought to be driven!
Being women, who have these certain qualities
Living out particular standards and degrees:
Being WOMEN of the WORD!
Seeking to apply the Truth that is heard.
So we won’t merely be hearers but we will also be doers
Of God’s Truth we’ll be active pursuers,
Working for the King and His Kingdom as opposed to being viewers.
Being WOMEN of WORSHIP, Giving Him glory,
Praising our Saviour all day is our song and our story.
Living a life that is pleasing to Him
And seeking the presences of our Father and King.
Who seek God through it all
Who will cry out to God as on His name we call.
Knowing that we have a purpose to fulfill,
Putting our own desires aside in order to do His will!
Dwelling in sweet unity,
Sharing the LOVE of God that He’s given to you and to me.
And all of this is to enable us to impact our wider community,
As with the same LOVE He’s given to us freely, we give it away for free!
So I hope we’re all ready because this is only the beginning,
Of fulfilling the new mandate of given to