Sunday 13th August – The Gift of Life Itself – Elder Martin Finegan

A friend of mine called me recently with the sad news of her 31-year-old brother’s unexpected death. The news rocked me to the core. As I sort God for comfort, I found myself seeking answers.

As I sort the Lord for the reason why in relation to the young man’s death, the Lord reminded me that the mystery of death must always be viewed in the light of the mystery of life itself.

As we live in an age where many people use phrases like ‘just living my life’, let us spend some time considering the sanctity of life itself and what it means to live for God and not ourselves.

Join us for our regular 10:30 am Sunday Service.

Key Scriptures
John 8:58, John 11: 11-15

Spring Into Action

Daily Bible Challenge 2023

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Sunday 13th August – The Gift of Life Itself – Elder Martin Finegan
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