Proverbs 4:23 reads, “guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
The essence of who we are, how we walk, talk, and live out of Christian life reflects what happens in the heart. Our theme for this year is to be watchful, alert, and vigilant.
Being watchful requires us to pay attention not only to the external, the signs of the times, and the fulfilment of prophecy, but we also need to turn our attention inwards. To do one without the other is to walk with blurred vision.
Our key text focuses on the life of King Asa. A man who led one of the greatest reformations. We learn that this journey of faith requires us to stay alert so that we can finish strong.
It’s not how we begin the race that counts but how we finish.
Join us at 10:30 am for our regular Sunday service.
Hello All
Unfortunately, due to an issue with the internet connection, Today’s service will be recorded and posted at a later date.
There will be no live stream today.
Apologies for this, and we pray you are well.
PCF Audio Visual Team
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