By faith We Shall See It!
As we travel through this world, we must try to keep our eyes on the things God has promised us and have faith these promises will come to pass.
A closer walk with Jesus through prayer and fasting will open the door to the will of God being made manifest in the Earth.
Let’s ask God to equip us with everything we need to do his will and enter the celestial city as we travel.
This week our service starts at 10:30 with us having only one service.

Key Scriptures
Hebrews 11: 8-16 and Matthew 17:14-21
Bible in a Year 2022
This year we are encouraging everyone to take part in the Bible in a Year program. The supporting resource is linked below:
Pastoral Support or general enquires
If you have any questions or concerns about the issues we are facing at the moment, or you have a pastoral need, email or call 020 8801 1873.
Tithes and Offerings
Thank you for your Giving!!