Sunday 19th March – Worship God; His Glory and majesty are worthy of it! – Minister Keith Treasure

The natural world manifests the Glory of God and indicates his majesty. His Glory and majesty should lead us to worship.

His plans for his people and selfless love in bringing his plan to fruition deserve our worship.

Today let’s take some time to glorify God and bask in His Glory.

Join us for our regular Sunday service at 10:30 am, either in person (we would love to see you) or online.

Sunday Service – Minister Keith Treasure – 19th March

Key Scripture
Exodus 20:3

Spring Into Action

Daily Bible Challenge 2023

Pastoral Support or general enquires.
If you have any questions or concerns at the moment, or you have a pastoral need, email or call 020 8801 1873.

Tithes and Offerings

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Sunday 19th March – Worship God; His Glory and majesty are worthy of it! – Minister Keith Treasure