There are blessings when we are united with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible states in Psalms 133:1, Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
Again, scripture emphasises the togetherness of the church prior to receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1).
I pray we can harness this togetherness as a church throughout 2023. We do have the perfect opportunity to start as we mean to go on; our 21 days of prayer and fasting commences on the 9th of January, the focus of which is: ‘His Glory Revealed.’
I am attaching a PDF copy of our daily devotional, which you should use throughout the 21 days. Plus, we shall meet for prayer and reflection each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings during the fast.
There is much for us to do this year, and the Lord has an assignment for each one of us. I pray that you are truly enriched as we do this together in Jesus’ Name.