Jesus experienced incredible and horrific suffering whilst on the cross. The people He came to save mocked Him and challenged Him.
They challenged Him at this final moment to prove that He was the Christ by releasing Himself from the cross. Could He have?
In Matthew 26:53, Jesus declared that He had more than 12 legions of Angels at His disposal. But Jesus suffered and died. Even though the crowds taunted Him saying, that they would believe in Him, if He came down off the cross.
But no, Jesus remained on the cross because He had a greater plan that included our salvation and reconciliation and peace. Peace with the Father.
And so, with all of our hearts, we say thank you Lord.

Key Scripture
Mark 15:21-39
Bible in a Year 2021
This year we are encouraging everyone to take part in the Bible in a Year program. The supporting resource is linked below:
Spring Into Action
The latest version of SIA is now available:
Pastoral Support or general enquires
If you have any questions or concerns about the issues we are facing at the moment, or you have a pastoral need, email or call 020 8801 1873.
Tithes and Offerings
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