Today we focus on one word from our main text, and that word is the word ’Blessed.’. Jesus placed this word at the beginning of nine separate statements between verses 1-12 in Matthew chapter 5.
Some words or phrases used to translate the Greek word which Jesus used for ‘blessed’ includes: ’Supremely blest,’ ‘Fortunate,’ ’Well off’ and ‘Happy’.
Questions and concerns could be raised as to how one might be considered happy, whilst undergoing persecution. But the most important point is that this passage has nothing to do with our emotions or feelings.
It is God who makes the claim that we are blessed when we experience troubles on His account, due to the fact that we are followers of His Son Jesus the Christ.
So we are encouraged to exercise our faith and persevere, because the realisation of the blessings of our Lord, will surpass any joy or happy feeling that we could possibly create. Moreover, our Lords blessings are eternal.

Key Scripture
Matthew 5:1-12
Bible in a Year 2021
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