The breaking of the Lords commandments is not only a violation of the standards, He has set for his creation, but it is also to disrespect His person as the initiator of His law.
The Children of God hate nothing more than falling out of The Father’s will. What makes the child of God happy is seeing the Father glorified in and through their lives. Jesus claimed that when He had completed the Fathers works on earth, the Father was glorified (John 17:4). So obedience to the Lord’s will glorifies Him.
Did you know that there was coming a day when we would never again be able to sin? That will be the day when we are glorified, and we will bear the likeness of our saviour and Lord in every way.
Since we are all on this journey of ‘being saved’ together, let us glorify God by helping each other bring Him the ultimate glory and praise.

Key Scriptures
Matthew 5:43-48 & Matthew 7:15-20
Bible in a Year 2021
This year we are encouraging everyone to take part in the Bible in a Year program. The supporting resource is linked below:
Pastoral Support or general enquires
If you have any questions or concerns about the issues we are facing at the moment, or you have a pastoral need, email or call 020 8801 1873.
Tithes and Offerings
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