It is not unreasonable to postulate that if a person is exposed to situations involving extreme isolation for extended periods, this can dramatically affect a person’s mind.
The mind comes to self-created conclusions because there is no one to tell them otherwise or provide some boundaries of what is reasonable.
The word isolation has become prevalent for us over the past year. We have all been affected by – maybe in most cases – a more moderate form of isolation. Isolation, as we can see, can have a negative effect on us all.
Isolation, however, is foreign to Christian practices except for when the Lord calls us apart. The Christian experience is supposed to be undergirded by loving fellowship, which results in vibrant and powerful and uplifting and fulfilling times of worship together.
As our churches come back together for corporate worship, let us believe that our fellowship with each other can be significant.

Key Scriptures
Acts 2:42-47 & Acts 4:31
Bible in a Year 2021
This year we are encouraging everyone to take part in the Bible in a Year program. The supporting resource is linked below:
Spring Into Action
The latest version of SIA is now available:
Pastoral Support or general enquires
If you have any questions or concerns about the issues we are facing at the moment, or you have a pastoral need, email or call 020 8801 1873.
Tithes and Offerings
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