Sunday 1st October – What the Spirit is still saying – Pastor David Daniel

In this sermon, we embark on a transformative journey through the Book of Revelation, exploring a fresh perspective on its timeless relevance. Expanding upon our previous message, “Exit to Enter,” which focused on our Exodus-like journey toward God’s Kingdom, Pastor David examines the essential significance of Revelation for our lives today.

In this sermon, we are challenged to view Revelation not solely as a prophecy of the future but as a powerful message that resonated with its original audience and continues to speak to us today. The early Church faced intense pressure and persecution; believers had to make a profound choice: allegiance to Christ or submission to the worship of Caesar.

The vivid and compelling imagery within Revelation directly addressed the congregation, urging them not to compromise their faith but to boldly pursue the glory of being faithful witnesses to Christ, even if it meant facing martyrdom.

Revelation reminds us that our identity as Christ’s Church is not shaped by the world but defined by Christ Himself. It’s an identity we must steadfastly defend, regardless of the cost. Pastor David’s sermon serves as a reminder that, like the early Church, we are called to be faithful witnesses of Christ, preserving our distinct identity in a world that often demands assimilation. So, we will listen intently to what the Spirit of God still says to us today.

Key Scripture
Revelation 2: 9-20

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Sunday 1st October – What the Spirit is still saying – Pastor David Daniel
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