This year’s annual convention is back at Springfield Hall and takes place over 3 days.
Friday 29th October – YPD take over – Doors Open 7pm // Start 7:30pm
Saturday 30th October – Pastor Brendon Munro – Doors Open 7pm // Start 7:30pm
Sunday 31st October – Pastor David Daniel – Doors Open 11am // Start 11:30am
Our spiritual objective for the year 2021, is to study and understand our Lord’s teaching and His expectation of us based on His message commonly known as the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ – Matthew chapters 5-7. In this sermon, Jesus makes clear the standard for Christian living and delivers an exposition that unravels the core principles at the heart of God’s law.
It is necessary for the church in 2021 to be clear regarding the light that we are commissioned to portray in this world. We are the called-out people of God and our distinction is meant to be unmistakable; the church must be the church.
Let the Church be the Church – Matthew 5: 14-16
The request, ‘let the church be the church’ is directed at the followers of Christ who make up the church. Christ has done His part and the world cannot take part. So, we need to do our part. Let the church be the church.
It is vital that we recognise the fact that the church, (the body of believers), belongs to Jesus Christ. It’s His church. He said that He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. So, the church has to pattern itself in the likeness of the author’s intention. Our conduct should be Christlike, our attitude should be Christlike, our actions and the things that entertain us should be Christ-centric.
The Church needs to understand the blessing of the New Covenant which we are under, but at the same time, recognise that there is a distinctive obligation that we are to adhere to.
Let the Church be the Church: One More Soul – Matthew 5: 11-16
The appeal is for the body of Christ to recognise the urgency and renew its passion of being witnesses for Christ.
Have we morphed so much into our societies that we have lost the distinction of what it means to be Christ’s church? And in so doing, concealed the unique and essentiality of the gospel message of salvation. Jesus saves! And His salvation is an eternal one.
This is not the time for the church to hide, this is the time for the church to point the way to Jesus Christ, the only true saviour of the world.
Let the Church be the Church: One Church – Matthew 5: 11-16
Christ has placed His name on His church and we rejoice in this fact. It means that we are blessed, we have His protection and oversight. It means that we have His covering and the blessed assurance that our eternal future is secure in Him.
There are so many other blessings that could be mentioned, but we should also be aware of the fact that we have a responsibility as well. We should know, that divisions that affect the usefulness of the church develop easily. And we need to consider the possibility of ourselves being instrumental in some ways.
We have to honestly assess the destructive presence of pride, and allow ‘space and grace’ to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We have to ensure that the strong cords of love, be the bedrock of all our relationships, and by this – the world will know that we are His (John 13: 35).
This is his church – One Church – so let the church be the church.