Sunday 1st September – Continue to Grow – Elder Martin Finegan

Hats off to the students in our midst who have just received their exam results. We encourage them to remain present in the Lord.
Hats off to the students in our midst who have just received their exam results. We encourage them to remain present in the Lord.
This sermon, based on Ephesians 6:10-20, focuses on the believer’s need to be strong in the Lord by putting on the whole armour of God.
Miracles performed by the Apostle Paul spread awe and reverence throughout Ephesus, leading many to renounce their previous practices, including magic and witchcraft, in recognition of Jesus’ supreme authority.
Again, we will explore the character of Joshua as he leads Israel into the Promised Land. Through the lens of ‘five key questions’, we will engage with the key moment of doubt in Joshua’s mind and explore what God requires