“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.”
Matthew 28:6
We are looking forward to our PCF Easter half-term kids club commencing on the 11th & 12th of April. The theme is called ‘Easter Alive’ and is a celebration of Jesus’ last week before his great sacrifice.
As we experience this good news that makes us fully alive and transforms our way of living, in turn helping us to share this with our friends!!
We want our children to have an impactful, fun, & celebration-packed two days. The age range for participants is 3-16 years. An Easter celebration lunch (£5pp) will be available on the second day.
Please visit our quick registration portal to enrol your child/children using the link below to secure their spot:
For further info, please contact: courtney.daniel@tpcf.org.uk